Chocolate Making

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Chocolate designed for your Skin

Dark Chocolate facial masks have been used since 30 B.C. In the last few years, there has been a resurgence of importance in its advantages.

Creamy and Dark chocolate is the most irresistible delicacies known to revitalize your skin. Dark chocolate covers are rich in natural ingredients, which not only sweeten your soul but also nourish and cleanse your skin. These facial masks leave your skin feeling compact, smooth and soft.

Dark chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which are loaded in phenols and flavonoids. Chocolate also contains essential trace elements, nutrients, minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, B1, C, D and E. In reality, cocoa powder is one of the finest natural sources of magnesium.

Advantages of facial with chocolate:
1.      Potent antioxidant properties which clean the skin.
2.      The cocoa butter present in it makes the skin softer.
3.      Decrease wrinkles.
4.      It thwarts skin damage.
5.      Nourishes skin.
6.      Hydrates and facilitates in removing dead skin cells.
7.      Flavonoids Rich, it helps fight against sun damage.
8.      Chocolate is an excellent moisturizer and it revitalizes the skin.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Chocolate Myths and Facts

There has been a perception that Chocolate has many side effects which is actually only a Myth. Some of the common Myths are :-
  1. Chocolate is high on Caffeine - Eating chocolate can perk you up, but that doesn't mean it is high on Caffeine. 1.4 ounce of chocolate bar or an 8 ounce of chocolate milk contains 6 mg of caffeine. A regular coffee contains 65-135 mg of Caffeine.
  2. Chocolate is bad for Cholesterol as it is loaded with Saturated Fats - Many think the Cocoa butter may increase the Cholesterol level in blood as it contains Saturated Fats. Stearic Acid found in the chocolate has a unique feature as it increases the HDL (good) Cholesterol levels.
  3. Chocolate doesn't have any nutritional values - Chocolate is rich in Magnesium, Copper, Calcium, Iron, Zinc. It has phenylethylamine (PEA) which helps in kids neurotrasmitters in brain. Flavonoids a plant based antioxidant tiggers the production of nitric oxide which stimulates the blood vessel to accept sugar thus helping in better control of sugar level. 
  4. Chocolate is responsible for tooth decay - Scientists believe that the length of food stay in your mouth and not the sugar content is responsible for tooth decay. Chocolate melts and leave our mouth relatively fast, its the cookies, dried fruits, crackers which get stuck. Infact the Flavonoids helps in slowing down the built up of plaque.
  5. Chocolate causes Headache - Studies have suggested that there is no relationship between chocolate and headache. PEA in the chocolate causes blood vessel to expand and contract. It also is a natural mood enhancer, stress reliever and memory booster. So it may have more good than bad effects.
  6. Chocolate causes Weight Gain - If consumed in moderation, it can be a part healthy life style. Chocolate helps you to get nutrients like A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and Pantothenic acid and minerals like magensium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and manganese. All these thinks help in burning out the body fats.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

The Making of Belgian Chocolate

In the end of 15th Century, Christopher Columbus discovered the chocolate. The Aztecs drank chocolate well before everybody and they used to use Cocoa Seeds as money and a means to buy Gold.

The Chocolate Recipe was kept a secret for long by the Spanish, but the success of this was so huge that it went through the European borders. It popularity increased with the addition of Sugar, as it became more palatable. Thus each nation found its own recipe and enjoy it.

Belgian Chocolate is unque because of its quality of ingredients and an obsessive adherence to Old Manufacturing Technique even in todays world of Automation and Mass production. Though Belgian Chocolate has been popular since 18th Century, but Jean Neuhaus new process increased its popularity by ten folds. He created a special chocolate called couverteur which has a cold shell which he called pralines.Pralines could be filled with coffee, hazelnuts, fruits or more chocolate. Leonidas, Neuhaus, Godiva and Nirvana are famous for their gourmet pralines.

One technical advantage of Belgian Chocolate over other chocolates is the storage of condition of couverteur before use. Most Chocolate Companies receive chocolate in Solid form which has to be reheated inorder to use it. Belgian chocolate companies often receive their couverteur in heated tanker truck, which helps it to retain much more of the aroma than its cooled variant.

Belgian Chocolate may be expensive but worth an indulgence. Taste it to feel the difference..........
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